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Electrode Glass Tube High Frequency Facial Machine Therapy Kit

Electrode Glass Tube High Frequency Facial Machine Therapy Kit

Regular price $80.00 USD
Regular price $240.00 USD Sale price $80.00 USD
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  1. Electrode Glass Tubes: These are the main tools used in the therapy kit. They come in various shapes and sizes, each targeting specific areas or skin concerns. The glass tubes are filled with either argon or neon gas, which ionizes when electricity passes through them, producing a gentle, therapeutic glow.

  2. High-Frequency Generator: This is the device that powers the glass tubes. It generates a high-frequency alternating current, typically in the range of 100,000 to 250,000 cycles per second (Hertz). This current is applied to the skin via the glass tubes.

  1. Treatment Modes: The machine usually offers multiple treatment modes, each suited for different skin conditions. Common modes include:

    • Direct High Frequency: The glass tube directly touches the skin, delivering the high-frequency current. This mode is effective for treating acne, reducing inflammation, and promoting circulation.

    • Indirect High Frequency: The glass tube doesn't touch the skin directly but is held slightly above it. This mode is often used for general skin rejuvenation, improving skin texture, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

    • Spark (Fulguration) Method: In this mode, a small gap between the glass tube and the skin causes sparks to occur. It's typically used for spot treating acne lesions or stimulating hair follicles.

  2. Benefits: The therapy kit offers several benefits for the skin, including:

    • Stimulating circulation, which promotes oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the skin cells.
    • Increasing collagen and elastin production, leading to firmer, more youthful-looking skin.
    • Killing acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation, making it effective for acne treatment.
    • Improving overall skin tone and texture.
    • Enhancing product absorption, allowing skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  3. Safety Precautions: While high-frequency therapy is generally safe, there are some precautions to consider. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid over-treatment or skin irritation. People with certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy or heart disease, should consult with a healthcare professional before using the device.


♥️Complete Skin Care System - Adeonsine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is the universal currency for energy in all cells of the human body. As we age ATP production slows which can lead to the outward signs of aging. Sagging skin, hair loss, age spots are other skin imperfections are the hallmark signs of decreased cell activity due to aging. The Skin Wand amplifies cell turnover by supercharging ATP synthesis to slow, halt and ultimately reverse the aging process leading to firmer younger skin.

Anti-Aging Neon Applicators – The four included Neon powered applicators deliver targeted skin boosting benefits, no matter your skin type. High Frequency sessions energize and oxygenate the skin to increase cellular activity - It’s like a workout for your skin. With regular use you’ll notice the reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

🥰A Smoother Brighter Complexion – High Frequency application fights the underlying causes of bumpy blemish prone skin at the source. Sub-dermal inflammation causes skin irregularities. tames inflammation to create a smoother blemish free complexion that glows after just a single session.

🥰Better Absorption of Your Beauty Serums and Creams – Your preferred beauty creams and serums are expensive. ensures that you are getting their maximum effects by improving your skins receptiveness to absorption. Use your preferred serums or creams during, or immediately after Sessions to ensure maximum absorption into the deeper layers of your skin; boosting their effects by up to 5x.

What's in the Box ?📦
📦High Frequency Handle,
📦Neon powered mushroom wand
📦Neon powered bent wand
📦Neon powered comb wand
📦Neon powered tongue wand
📦quick-start treatment guides



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